From Pastor Jim Hollister -
Today we are hearing about Trinity UCC in the news because of one presidential candidate's membership in that church, the largest congregation in our denomination. I have worshiped at TUCC ( at least 4 or 5 times and will drive a bus-load of members to worship there on March 30th. I hope we'll hear their new pastor, Otis Moss III, who is a gifted 37-yr. old preacher.
But I also have been very impressed and inspired by their outgoing preacher/pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. My experience is that yes, he is a trouble-maker, but a trouble-maker in the spirit of the prophets of old and others who have been persecuted. I'm sure that he has overstated things in his preaching, as many of us clergy have at times. But I have also heard some wonderful sermons from him from his pulpit and at conferences around the country.
Our UCC President John Thomas has written something about this current controversy that I commend to you.
And I hope you will watch the video clip at the end of that article. It's of John Thomas speaking at Trinity UCC on 3/2/08 on the occasion of the retirement of the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., pastor there since the early 1970s.
'Skunk-Spraying' in E. Jerusalem and the Galilee
10 years ago