Thursday, January 22, 2009

Winter Retreat to be at FCC

The retreat on Friday/Sat. 1/30 and 1/31 has been changed to be at the church.
"Listening to Your Life and Nurture Your Soul" - Call the church to speak to a pastor if you'd like to learn more.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What's in your heart?

This video is pretty popular these days - check it out:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Winter Retreat: January 30-31, 2009 at Pilgrim Center

Hi friends, I hope you will consider the following WINTER RETREAT for FCC members/friends - 24 hours away at lovely Pilgrim Center on Green Lake, with pastors Julia and Jim (yours truly) as your "tour guides." This is for singles or couples; note: this was to be a couples retreat but we have now opened it up to all adults. Feel free to invite a friend.

It's a brief time away but still packs the potential to be a great kick-start for the new year:
Friday, Jan. 30th (6:30 p.m. - starts with sub sandwich supper) thru Sat. Jan. 31st (ends 2:00 p.m.). We'll stay at lovely (and relatively new) Oak Mound Lodge. There are 15 rooms available, five of them with private baths, the others with shared baths. Couples who register will get priority for private bathrooms, so register asap!

Cost is $45/person, double occupancy.

The theme is "Listening to Your Life and Nurturing Your Soul." It is designed to give time and space to explore the relationship between the inner life of the mind & spirit and the outer life of work & service in the world. There will be time for both individual reflection and group discussion; free time will also be part of the agenda.

Questions? Speak to Jim or Julia today (or tomorrow)!