Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy 50th wedding anniversary to Hank & Claudette Forss

Hank & Claudette Forss were married 50 years ago today. They had a party for their family and friends this afternoon. They each spoke and were very eloquent about the joys of love and friendship.

Hank & Claudette on their 50th wedding anniversary at "The Bull."

These are not gifts - these are cakes! Made by Jodi Harbrecht. Wow!

The food was delicious!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yale University's "Out of the Blue" - coming March 8th

Here is Nate Griffith, who grew up in Sheboygan, singing solo. This group is fun! They will be performing in our sanctuary on Sunday, March 8th, 2009, at 3:00 p.m. Mark the date!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

50-year Members!

Congratulations 50 year Members! On Sunday, Nov. 23rd, we honored those members who have been with our fellowship at least 50 years. Some have been around for decades longer than that! Here's a photo of those who were present that day.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Kingdom of Heaven

Pastor Jim writes:
I found the following quote in researching my sermon for 11/23 - it's from Take This Bread by Sara Miles, a wonderful book about her conversion to Christianity and subsequent call to start a food pantry in her church in the S.F. Bay area:
Some Christians thought the kingdom was about an afterlife, but I believed it was this world… The kingdom was the same old earth, populated by the same clueless humans, transformed wherever you could glimpse God shining through it.

Some thought it was about judgment, but I believed that in the kingdom, there was no separation of sinners from saved, righteous from damned. The pantry looked like the kingdom to me precisely because we were all thrown in together – a makeshift community so much bigger and more contradictory than any of us would have chosen. But each of us had come just as we were to this Table, drawn, without planning, to the shores of some lake where we'd heard miracles might happen. And we found the kind of abundance described in parables: food for five thousand, money multiplying like manna; oil pouring out profligately and the lamps burning wildly all night long, blazing through the darkness of our lives. (p. 222-223)

That’s a nice way to lead into Advent, where we welcome the light in the darkness. Join us for worship on Nov. 30th for the first Sunday of Advent.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Shawl Ministry - meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month

The Shawl Ministry met in the lounge today for their monthly gathering, to knit and share stories, to pray and support one another as spiritual companions. What wonderful projects they have undertaken! These shawls are given away to young and old, men and women, sick and well, to support the recipients. We bless each with prayers as they go out to bless others.

Suzy shows pictures of sponsored children/youth at an Indian Reservation in South Dakota!

The center courtyard today.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans Day Prayer - Tuesday, Nov. 11th

A prayer for the veterans. We offered this in worship on Sunday, 11/9:

Leader: For the men and women who serve in the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
People: We ask your blessing.
L: For the family members who have made great sacrifices in order to make it possible for their service members to be on watch at home or around the world or to go into harm's way,
P: We ask your blessing.
L: For the families who grieve the death of a member who went in harm's way, never to return,
P: We ask your blessing.
L: Jesus taught that no one has greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. For all those veterans who have been willing to lay down their lives,
P: We ask your blessing.
L: For the veterans of past wars who bear scars in their bodies and spirits,
P: We ask your blessing.
L: For veterans who came home but couldn't "fit in" with their families or communities anymore,
P: We ask your blessing.
L: Lord, keep all our veterans in your care. As we honor them, we also pray for peace. We pray all these things in the name of your son, our savior, Jesus Christ.
P: Amen.

Note: This was led by Tom C, a vet, and founder of our local Veterans for Peace chapter. His son Joe has enlisted in the National Guard; they plan to be deployed to Iraq next year.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Worship on Nov. 9th, 2008

Stewardship Sunday today, with a baptism and music from two youth choirs and additional guests. We had a lovely lunch after worship to celebrate Hannah's baptism.

Sounds of Joy Children's Choir (younger group)

Youth Praise Team led by Carra-Lyn Edson

Hannah's relatives sing after her baptism.

Inner Beauty

This was the inside courtyard this past week, taken from Julia's office. Amazing colors.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pastor Jim's study - this week

Here is Pastor Jim's study this week. Looks like he picked it up a bit!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Here is a group shot of some who walked on Oct. 19th for hunger awareness and fundraising. The CROP Walk left from Ebenezer UCC. Our church raised about $4000, much of it from Leaty Harris who had 153 persons sponsor her!
A good time was had by all.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hollisters back from sabbatical!

Our pastors are back from sabbatical (12 weeks from June 1st thru Sept. 1st). With a grant from the Lilly Endowment, they traveled with their children to England, France, Colorado, and the Pacific Northwest. Their summer included some relaxing weeks at a "flat" in Cornwall, England (overlooking the English Channel and St. Michael's Mount); a week at Taize in France; and a week at Holden Village in Washington State.

For more reading, and links to photos, see Pastor Jim's blog:


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Confirmation Class 2008!

2008 Confirmation Class!
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ron Farr Weekend

The Rev. Ron Farr was our guest on April 4-6 as he led us in a "visioning retreat" on Friday 4/4 and then a Small Group Leaders training for folks from 7 congregations on Saturday. It was a perfect weekend, except that 18 of us got sick on Sunday - apparently it was a norovirus of some sort, from the food preparation (somehow). We'll probably never know what caused it but you can bet we'll be more careful in the kitchen next time. Luckily, it gave us a humbling experience without any lingering negative side effects.
Here are some pictures of the group on Friday evening, and the small group set-up (with a rock and a feather, for our sharing time).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sunday April 20th - music by the Whistlepigs String Band

Our special guests this Sunday will be the Whistlepigs String Band.
They'll play some old time gospel music, no doubt. Music begins 9:45a with extended prelude time (gathering music). You won't want to miss it! Check out their website. They are:

The Whistlepigs String Band.

Not The Whistling Pigs. Not The Pig Whistles. Not The Pisslewigs. Not even The Pig Whistle Dirt Band as we were called at one show (we haven't gone back there).

We're a semi-traditional 4-piece bluegrass band featuring Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar, Bass and 4 voices. High, lonesome harmonies, and as one reviewer said Fred Keller & Chris Jones are terrible solozangers. That, of course, was a bad translation from Dutch. What she really said was that they are "superb lead singers."

But don't take our word for it, come here us play, buy our CDs or just listen to it here!

Friday, March 28, 2008

God's Big Backyard - Vacation Bible School

Many thanks to Beth Petzke, Cindy Bartol, and countless others who made this a wonderful week for so many children - much fun and learning about service in Jesus' name.
Here are just a few of the many photos that were taken. We are grateful to Toni Hanson who took most of them:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Maundy Thursday 2008

We gathered at First Presbyterian for a delicious lamb dinner cooked by Marilyn Montemayor and friends. We went through a Seder ritual, then had worship in the sanctuary with combined choirs. How do folks who don't worship in Holy Week prepare themselves adequately for the good news of Easter!?
Here are some pictures of the dinner:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Trinity UCC in Chicago - amidst controversy

From Pastor Jim Hollister -

Today we are hearing about Trinity UCC in the news because of one presidential candidate's membership in that church, the largest congregation in our denomination. I have worshiped at TUCC ( at least 4 or 5 times and will drive a bus-load of members to worship there on March 30th. I hope we'll hear their new pastor, Otis Moss III, who is a gifted 37-yr. old preacher.

But I also have been very impressed and inspired by their outgoing preacher/pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. My experience is that yes, he is a trouble-maker, but a trouble-maker in the spirit of the prophets of old and others who have been persecuted. I'm sure that he has overstated things in his preaching, as many of us clergy have at times. But I have also heard some wonderful sermons from him from his pulpit and at conferences around the country.

Our UCC President John Thomas has written something about this current controversy that I commend to you.

And I hope you will watch the video clip at the end of that article. It's of John Thomas speaking at Trinity UCC on 3/2/08 on the occasion of the retirement of the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., pastor there since the early 1970s.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

VIDEO-Group Workcamps

Our Middle School youth will be attending a GROUP Workcamp in Mattoon, Illinois. Here is a promo video from YouTube:

VIDEO-National Youth Event

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Big Thaw

Things are thawing out today - sunny and 25 degrees F!
But this little tree in the courtyard still wants to hold as big a snow ball as it can!
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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Francis on Valentine's Day

St. Francis is a very patient person, but even he is getting tired of the snow. Here he is on Valentine's Day, carrying the snow on his shoulders as if it is his favorite snow leopard.
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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ash Wednesday Blizzard

The snow fell on Ash Wednesday - at least 16 inches. Here are some pics of our center courtyard: the snow blows in off of the roof, then gets trapped there. We'll soon be tunneling like hamsters in a Habitrail!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday - activity update

Winter Storm Warning today...

A hardy group of 'pilgrims' did indeed meet for Wed. Morning Study Group today at 6:45 a.m.

A noontime Ash Wednesday service will be held today in Evans Chapel. All are welcome.

No classes this evening, however.

The "make-up" first session of the "Living the Questions" study will be offered this Sunday, Feb. 10th at 9:00 am in the Conference Room. Pastor Jim, leader.

The confirmation mentor/student dinner and discussion scheduled for this evening will held this Sunday, Feb. 10th following worship. All mentors and students are encouraged to attend this lasagna lunch and discussion of the "saint" visits. Please let Pastor Julia know if you can't attend.

May you feel God's presence and peace on this the first day of Lent!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Membership Vows - 4 questions

(taken several years ago on Easter morning)

Last Sunday, we received new members into our fellowship - always a thrill. There are four "vows" that new members affirm when they join. These were adopted in the late 1990s, and were inspired, to a large extent, by our participation in "Unwrapping Our Gifts" designed by Rev. Ron Farr in the NY Conference of the UCC. They are as follows:

Do you reaffirm your faith in God as your Maker, in Christ as your Lord, and in the Holy Spirit as your Strength, and commit yourself to deepening your relationship with God? (I do.)

Do you promise, by the grace of God, to be Christ's disciple, to be one of his ministers in your own way in your workplace, home, and world, and to use your God-given gifts, whatever they may be, to bring a little more of the good news of God's kingdom to others? (I do.)

Do you promise to love and care for the members of this church family, to stand by them and pray for them in their time of need, and to support their various gifts and ministries, as best you are able, as they also seek to support you? (I do.)

Do you promise to participate in the life and mission of this family of God's people, sharing regularly in the worship of God, and enlisting in the work of this congregation as it serves the community and the world? (I do)

Then the members present respond with these words of welcome and support:

We welcome you with joy in the common life of this church. We promise you our friendship and prayers as we share the hopes and labors of the church of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit may we continue to grow together in God's knowledge and love and be witnesses of our risen Savior.

If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join us. "Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here." To God be the glory!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Winter Farmers Market

Sheboygan Co. Interfaith Organization hosts a "Winter Farmers' Market" in our Lucas Hall this winter, on certain Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Products Available: Honey, Breads, Meats, Cheese, Eggs, pastries, crafts, and much more!
Dates left this winter are:
Jan. 26th, Feb. 9th, Feb. 23rd, March 29th, April 12th, April 26th, and May 17th.
Then the outdoor market resumes at Fountain Park.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Food for Body, Mind & Spirit" - Wed. 1/16/08

What a great first session of our annual January series, "Food for Body, Mind & Spirit." We set up for 150 due to many last minute rsvp's. Stefano Viglietti and team (including FCC friend, Don Jakubowski, new chef at Duke of Devon) offered us great food. The Rev. Cathy Harrington, U.U. pastor from Luddington, spoke about her process of grief and forgiveness. Folksinger Will Branch came up from Milwaukee to entertain the children. Geralyn Leannah led discussion with Middle Schoolers on "Bridge to Terabithia." Kim Anderson organized the high school youth around a pizza dinner and program. Kudos to all.

Expectant guests hear about the menu

Stephano serving up his backed pasta, flanked by Chris (l) and Chris (r)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Lay Reader List

Here is the lay reader list as it currently stands (thanks to Greg Ryan for pulling it together)!

Click here for list:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Church Blog begins

First day of the new church blog. I am hoping that we can get some audio clips to post on here but I'm not sure how. We'll see!
Thanks for reading,
Pastor Jim Hollister

First Congregational Church, UCC
Sheboygan, WI 53081