Pastor Jim went to Grand Rapids Michigan for the last week of June 2009 to serve as a voting delegate from the Wisconsin Conference.
Here are some of his photos from that wonderful week!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Graduation Day 2009
Congratulations to our Graduates - the rain held off and the sun came out for a couple of hours on Sunday, just enough to enjoy the tradition in the Vollrath Bowl, and to sell parking spots and brats/burgers for the Youth Mission Trip!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Ceil's Meal
Great time at Ceil's Meal (Breakfast) this morning. There was a wonderful spirit among all the servers and diners alike.
Here is a slideshow:
Here is a slideshow:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Last Snow?
Here is the last bit of snow in the neighborhood, in our parking lot. It will be gone by morning! Yeah! Will we get any more?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Studio Go! Game Show VBS - the week has come
Here are pictures taken on Pastor Jim's camera. But Heather A. and others have taken more. Stay tuned. We're having fun!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Vacation Bible School - Spring Break!
Studio Go! Game Show - commercial was aired in worship on March 1st!
Check it out:
Check it out:
Friday, February 20, 2009
"Out of the Blue" - March 8th at 3:00 p.m.
Nate Griffith and Yale singing group, "Out of the Blue" - here at FCC on March 8th, 3pm.
Here's a link to a promo they did on a CT TV channel:
Here's a link to a promo they did on a CT TV channel:
Monday, February 16, 2009
We are a Vital Church!
What is a vital congregation? Art Wille used as his basis five characteristics from a book by Robert Schnase, a United Methodist bishop, entitled Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. They are:
1) Radical HospitalityIf you attended my presentations for “Food for Body, Mind & Spirit” this past January (on the “Power Surge”), you may remember me writing these five characteristics on the white board during session #2. It was good to reflect on these again in this new context.
2) Passionate Worship
3) Intentional Faith Development
4) Risk-Taking Mission and Service
5) Extravagant Generosity
Rev. Art Wille took it a step farther and selected one of those five characteristics for each of the 13 local churches he celebrated. (though it was apparent that all of the churches represented was strong more than just one!). The noteworthy characteristic of FCC Sheboygan, in Rev. Wille’s opinion, was #4 – “Risk-Taking Mission & Service.” As the morning went on, I jotted down a list of what he might have been thinking of, including:
Youth Mission Trips (including GROUP and NYC trips)What became clear as we heard summaries of each church’s ministry was that many factors contribute. But the single most important factor in church vitality seems to be the vision and faith of the leaders: the pastors, yes, but even more the lay leadership. Committed lay leadership makes all the difference. It was truly inspiring to be part of such a faithful group of persons. And I felt so grateful for the faith and openness of so many of you. Thank you!
CSB Grants
Hosting the Winter Farmer’s Market
Meals on Wheels
Members very involved in the community
Shawl Ministry
Hosting a GROUP workcamp a couple years ago
Visiting Haiti in 2003
Hosting many community groups in our building
Sponsoring scouting troops and events
Taize and Peace Prayer Circle
And thanks for reading!
Pastor Jim
Monday, February 9, 2009
Volleyball League
Above: a photo from Feb. 8th of 2 of our 3 teams as they played each other (this way we all win!)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Pulpit Upgrade
Carl Rauerdink, of the Old Oak Shop in New Hostein, built the pulpit and lectern as well as the ornate wooden panels with crosses high above our altar. He was back yesterday to add an extension to the floor/platform portion. It's the part with the 45 degree angles, screwed into the existing platform and leveled. Made of hickory wood, it matches what was already there, and just gives a few more square feet to those who stand on it. I like it a lot, and now don't worry about someone falling off of it during a funeral eulogy, etc.
Thanks for reading,
Pastor Jim
Thanks for reading,
Pastor Jim
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Winter Retreat to be at FCC
The retreat on Friday/Sat. 1/30 and 1/31 has been changed to be at the church.
"Listening to Your Life and Nurture Your Soul" - Call the church to speak to a pastor if you'd like to learn more.
"Listening to Your Life and Nurture Your Soul" - Call the church to speak to a pastor if you'd like to learn more.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Winter Retreat: January 30-31, 2009 at Pilgrim Center
Hi friends, I hope you will consider the following WINTER RETREAT for FCC members/friends - 24 hours away at lovely Pilgrim Center on Green Lake, with pastors Julia and Jim (yours truly) as your "tour guides." This is for singles or couples; note: this was to be a couples retreat but we have now opened it up to all adults. Feel free to invite a friend.
It's a brief time away but still packs the potential to be a great kick-start for the new year:
Friday, Jan. 30th (6:30 p.m. - starts with sub sandwich supper) thru Sat. Jan. 31st (ends 2:00 p.m.). We'll stay at lovely (and relatively new) Oak Mound Lodge. There are 15 rooms available, five of them with private baths, the others with shared baths. Couples who register will get priority for private bathrooms, so register asap!
Cost is $45/person, double occupancy.
The theme is "Listening to Your Life and Nurturing Your Soul." It is designed to give time and space to explore the relationship between the inner life of the mind & spirit and the outer life of work & service in the world. There will be time for both individual reflection and group discussion; free time will also be part of the agenda.
Questions? Speak to Jim or Julia today (or tomorrow)!
It's a brief time away but still packs the potential to be a great kick-start for the new year:
Friday, Jan. 30th (6:30 p.m. - starts with sub sandwich supper) thru Sat. Jan. 31st (ends 2:00 p.m.). We'll stay at lovely (and relatively new) Oak Mound Lodge. There are 15 rooms available, five of them with private baths, the others with shared baths. Couples who register will get priority for private bathrooms, so register asap!
Cost is $45/person, double occupancy.
The theme is "Listening to Your Life and Nurturing Your Soul." It is designed to give time and space to explore the relationship between the inner life of the mind & spirit and the outer life of work & service in the world. There will be time for both individual reflection and group discussion; free time will also be part of the agenda.
Questions? Speak to Jim or Julia today (or tomorrow)!
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